Sunday, March 7, 2010

recap on the women looking...

So i am trying to get my math homework finished, and then i have to get my English poster done. OH ELSE i get a ZERO tomorrow. i'll hopefully get it done. i'm not tooooo sure about how well i'm going to do on my math assignment. They always put questions on there, that we never learned in class. THEY ARE SETTING US UP TO FAIL. But i'm not complaining, i mean i like how it gets my brain to work. I feel like it's growing. i am just hoping i can get some help on one or two questions tomorrow. i mean i know i will….. hopefully.

This week i've learned that, it's hard to forget about people. especially when you have donated much of your time to them.

I don't exactly have a printer at home that works... This school year is going to be different. But i will manage.

The weather is warming up. sweater weather. that's always a good sign! :) So running season can start up. cannot wait to shed these pounds. not that it matters. but my self esteem is down. no matter what people say! at least i'm doing something about it. not just whining over it.

I will never go to west ed again. that place is a fucking cult. i kinda can't wait till i'm done school. and i can get out of here. go on a wilderness adventure. and i will be more mature, won't cry over spilt milk when i'm gone this time.

be happy everyone, and do the math... i will be :(

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I moved out!

I'm so calm with this "big move" it scares me.  It'll all sink in eventually…